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Project Ion

Dawn Westlake

Project Ion


Biofilmografia del regista

Since graduating from Northwestern University’s Radio-TV-Film program at the top of her class, Dawn Westlake has been acting, writing, directing and producing media and theatre for and with outlets in Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Upstate NY, and Northern Portugal. She won the Mark of Excellence Award from the Society of Professional Journalists for a televised interview with former President Jimmy Carter in 1987 and NU’s prestigious Richter Scholarship for a thesis on TV3, Televisió de Catalunya in 1984. She was named a Platinum Filmmaker by Canon USA in 2002 and won an award for personal expression from JVC-Tokyo in 2005. Collectively, Dawn’s 8 short films produced under her Ron de Caña Prods., Inc. banner have played on all 7 continents and have won 39 international awards. Dawn is fluent in Spanish and proficient in Portuguese and Italian. She has just finished filming her 8th film, “Project Ion”.


  • Regia:

    Dawn Westlake
  • Nazionalità:

  • Fotografia:

    Thomas Moser, Joel Moser
  • Montaggio:

    Thomas Moser, Joel Moser
  • Musiche:

    Gregory Johnson
  • Produzione:

    Ron de Cana Produzione
  • Sceneggiatura:

    Dawn Westlake
  • Scenografia:

    Dawn Westlake
  • Suono:

    Thomas Moser, Joel Moser
  • Distribuzione:

    Ouat Media Toronto
  • Durata:

    1105 Min.
  • Anno di uscita:

  • Cast

    David Razowsky, Dawn Westlake, Antonello Stornelli

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