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Hicham Ibrahimi



Un vecchio atleta di alto livello si trova a confrontarsi con la depressione, dovuta al non essere riconosciuto e all'essere stato dimenticato.

Biofilmografia del regista

A well known and highly considered Moroccan actor, and recently a film director. Over the last 24 years, he has established himself as an iconic figure in the world of Moroccan movies, and participited in different international ones. Hicham Ibrahimi was born on February 19th, 1970, in Rabat, Morocco. He studied Acting at the 'Institut Supérieur d'Art Dramatique et d'Animation Culturelle' from which he graduated in 1994. He took several trainings on Acting and Improvisational Theater in Morocco, France and Germany. An actor, and director, he also works as an Improvisational Theater coach at the theater training center of the Ministry of Culture in Rabat. In 2018, he directed 'Electrochoc', a short movie. And prior to that, he played prominent roles in the following Moroccan movies ; - Dar Lakbira , directed by Farida Bourkia. - Chevaux de fortune , directed by Jilali Ferhati. - Ali Zaoua , directed by Nabil Ayouch. - Un simple fait divers , directed by Hakim Nouri. 1996. - Elle est diabétique et …, (first and second part) directed by Hakim Nouri. - Tresses , directed by Jilali Ferhati. 1999. - Jusu'à nouvel ordre , directed by Ksaib. - Saida ,directed by Rchich. - Nora ,directed by Hakim Nouri. - Al mataha , directed by Hamid Basket. - Wahda men bezaf ,directed by Benbrahim Tarik - Le comptable ,directed by Abderazak Zitouni. 2007. - Lokba Lik , directed by Yassine Fennan. 2009. - Fautes volontaires , directed by Abelilah Zirat. - Majid ,directed by Nassim Abbassi. - Châtiment , directed by Hicham Ainlhayat. 2008. - Ard Joumoua , directed by Abderrahim Majd. - Ahlam mouajala, directed by Abdarahim Majd. 2013. -La Canne, directed by Mohamed Mouftakir . 2016. And, played in international movies (France, USA, Italy, South Korea, Germany, and England), starring with Monica Belluci, Catherine de Neuve, Vincent Cassel….: -Rules of engagement, with Tommy lee Johnes, directed by William Fredkin 1998. -Les temps qui changent, with Cathrine deneuve and Gerard Depardieu. -Asterix et Obelix,opération Cleopatre (doublure jeu de CLAVIER ,le role d'asterix). 2000. -Agent secret, with Monica belluci and vincent Cassel. -Les anciens Egyptiens , a fictional documentary produced by the english channel CHANNEL 4 (leading role). 2002. -Inchallah ,a south Korean movie (supporting actor). 1997. -Joseph , a historical series about the Bible. Dutch production. 1994.


  • Regia:

    Hicham Ibrahimi
  • Nazionalità:

  • Fotografia:

    Abdellah Elmoukadem
  • Montaggio:

    Ghizlane Assif
  • Produzione:

    Rachid El Ouali
  • Sceneggiatura:

    Hicham Ibrahimi
  • Scenografia:

    Samir Issoun
  • Durata:

    12 Min.
  • Anno di uscita:

  • Lingua:

  • Data di proiezione:

  • Cast

    Abdellatif Ettuhfi, Saloua Regragui, Abdelhak Belmjahed, Ali Ibrahimi e Hamza Laafi

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